Education & Scholarships

The Aqqaluk Trust awards scholarships to NANA shareholders, their descendants and dependents who are pursuing college and post-graduate degrees and post-secondary education.
Scholarships are issued based on a variety of criteria, including demonstrated commitment to Iñupiaq values, prior academic performance and recommendations from others.
Effective July 7, 2023 and going forward, Aqqaluk Trust will no longer need Budget Need Sheet as part of our scholarship processing.
- AA Business with HR Emphasis
- AA Environmental Science
- AA Information Technology, Computer Science
- AA Process Control
- BA Business: Administration, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, Organizational Development, Public Relations
- BA Construction Management
- BA Environmental Science
- BA Logistics
- BA Mathematics
- BA Mechatronic
- BA Rural Development
- BA Social Sciences
- BA Supply Chain Management
- BS Chemistry
- BS Data Science
- BS Earth Science
- BS Engineering, Chemical Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, Geophysical, Geotechnical, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Mineral Processing, Instrumentation/Automation/
Controls, Mining - BS Environmental Geology
- BS Geological Sciences
- BS Geology
- BS Geology
- BS Hydrogeological/Geochemical
- BS Industrial Hygienist
- MA PA Program
- Voc Commercial Driver’s License
- Voc Diesel/Heavy Equipment Technology
- Voc Heavy Equipment Operator
- Voc Millwright/Industrial Mine Maintenance/Millwright Maintenance
- Voc Mineral Processing Technology
- Voc Process Technology/Process Technician
- Voc Welding/Combination Welding

Tahayla Quġluq Baker

My name is Tahayla Quġluq Baker. I was born and raised in Kotzebue and am currently a graduating senior at Stanford University. I will receive two bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Native American Studies to pursue the goal of improving mental health in our region and promoting cultural treatment programs. Post-graduation, I would like to continue my passion by becoming a counselor and environmental advocate, focusing on community mental health and land protection.

Toni Ray Bergan

Uvlullautaq! Uvaŋa Maqik Toni Raye Bergan. I am the granddaughter of the late Leo & Helen Schaeffer, Sr. of Kotzebue. I am an Aqqaluk Trust scholarship recipient, pursuing a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
I am deeply grateful to the Aqqaluk Trust for their generous support in my pursuit of an MBA. The scholarship I received has not only alleviated the financial burden of my education but also empowered me to focus on my studies and professional development.
Robert Aqqaluk Newlin, Sr. emphasized the importance of a strong cultural identity alongside educational and career preparation. Inspired by his vision, I feel a profound sense of duty to apply my acquired skills and knowledge within our community. Aqqaluk Trust’s belief in the potential of indigenous students like myself motivates me to strive for excellence and make a meaningful impact.
Quyanaqpak, Aqqaluk Trust, for being a crucial part of my path to higher education and for continuing to uphold Robert Newlin, Sr.’s legacy.

Andrea Storer

Andrea Storer is a senior at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cell Biology and Neuroscience. After graduating with this degree in May 2025, she will attend medical school and pursue an MD. She aspires to provide rural pediatric healthcare for her Iñupiat communities. She serves as a math and chemistry tutor for minority students on campus. She is a founding member and current mentor for Honor Bound, a program that supports indigenous honors students in their higher education. She is a 2023 Udall Scholar. She loves to work hard, challenge herself, and learn every day. In her free time, she can be found outdoors in nature, at live music events, or cooking and eating good food with her friends and family.
Where I am from:
Anchorage, Alaska
Tribal affiliation:
Iñupiaq (Native Village of Barrow Iñupiat Traditional Government)
School attending:
Montana State University – Bozeman
Class standing:
Expected graduation:
May 2025
Plans after completing college:
I plan to attend medical school and pursue an MD to become a pediatrician. I aspire to provide rural pediatric healthcare for my Iñupiat communities.
How Aqqaluk Trust helped me in my education endeavors:
Aqqaluk Trust has greatly aided me in my academic journey. With the financial support that Aqqaluk Trust provides, I am able to put my focus into my studies. This has allowed me to excel in my classes and be on MSU’s Honor Roll lists every semester. I am very grateful for Aqqaluk Trust’s support in my education. I am proud to represent them through all of my accomplishments thus far. Quyanaqpak!

Brett Kirk

Hello, my name is Brett Kirk , I grew up in Noatak, Alaska. I am a grateful recipient of the Aqqaluk Trust’s scholarships. I graduated from the Napaaqtugmiut School in 2011 and pursued a BS in Civil Engineering with a minor in Rural Development at UAF. The Aqqaluk Trust’s generosity enabled me to access quality education, shaping my career path profoundly. Their investment not only in my education but also in my community has been invaluable, empowering me to contribute meaningfully. I am deeply thankful to the Aqqaluk Trust for believing in me and countless others, making a lasting impact on shareholders and their personal development.